NVDLA analyze

1. Overview

The overall structure of the NVDLA is shown in the following figure.


It can be divided into five sections.



    |-- NV_NVDLA_patition_o.v
    |-- NV_NVDLA_patition_c.v
    |-- NV_NVDLA_patition_m.v
    |-- NV_NVDLA_patition_a.v
    |-- NV_NVDLA_patition_p.v
  1. Partition_o controls the communication between processing elements with external controllers and memory units.
  2. Partition_c manages various convolution kernel operations such as CDMA, CBUF, and CSC.
  3. Partition_m performs multiplication and addition computations. This Convolution MAC module comprises of 16 MAC cells. Each of these cells includes 64 16-bit multipliers and 72 adders.
  4. Partition_a accumulates the partial sums from the MAC arrays and estimates the results before sending it to the next stage of activations.
  5. Partition_p performs various linear and non-linear operations as discussed.

2. Memories

2.1. RAMDP(Dual-Port SRAM)

2.1.1. Interface

This section describes a dual-port SRAM design. The macro is designed to perform read and write operations independently.

Pin Type Presence Description
CLK_R Input;Clock Default Memory read clock
CLK_W Input;Clock Default Memory write clock
READ_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous read address input
RD_[msb:0] Output Default Memory read data output
RE Input Default Synchronous read enable
WADR_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous write address input
WD_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous write data input
WE Input Default Synchronous write enable

Misc. Pins. These will depend on the target RAM library for whether they’re necessary.

Pin Type Presence Description
IDDQ Input Default Asynchronous stand-by mode enable pin
SLEEP_EN_[7:0] Input Default Power gating controls
RET_EN Input Default Retention enable
RET_SVOP[1:0] Input Default Timing margin control pins

2.1.2. Read timing

Next graph describes the reading timing of the dual-port RAM:


2.1.3. Write timing

Next graph describes the writing timing of the dual-port RAM:


2.2. RAMPDP: Pseudo-Dual Port SRAM

This section describes an embedded pseudo-dual port SRAM macro. The RAMPDP macro behaves like a dual port RAM, but is created by double clocking a single port RAM.

2.2.1. Interface

The following enumerates the RAMPDP pins and corresponding functions.

Pin Type Presence Description
CLK Input;Clock Default Memory clock
READ_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous read address input
RD_[msb:0] Output Default Memory read data output
RE Input Default Synchronous read enable
WADR_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous write address input
WD_[msb:0] Input Default Synchronous write data input
WE Input Default Synchronous write enable

Misc. Pins. These will depend on the target RAM library for whether they are necessary.

Pin Type Presence Description
IDDQ Input Default Asynchronous stand-by mode enable pin
SLEEP_EN_[7:0] Input Default Power gating controls
RET_EN Input Default Retention enable
RET_SVOP[1:0] Input Default Timing margin control pins

2.2.2. Timing

Next graph describes the timing of the Pseudo Dual Port RAM:


3. In-memory data formats

4. Partition_o

This partition controls the communication between processing elements with external controllers and memory units.

4.1. Overview

  • CSB - This module reads and writes configuration registers of each
    layer in NVDLA core. This transfers data from the external manage-
    ment processor through the APB interface.

  • CFGROM - This maintains configurable parameters of the core for its
    respective specification definition.

  • MCIF - This interface communicates with all subunits that access the external DDR. This data bus uses an AXI protocol.

  • PDP and CDP - These units perform pooling and local response nor-
    malization respectively.

  • GLB - They control the output interrupt signals of all the sub cores of NVDLA.

As shown in the blue part of the figure below.


4.2. CSB

The CSB bus consists of three channels : the request channel , the read data channel , and the write response channel. The channels are as described below.

4.2.1. Clock and reset

The CSB interface uses a signal clock domain , shared between NVDLA and the requester.

4.2.2. Request channel

The request channel follows a valid/ready protocol; a data transaction occurs on the request channel when and only when the valid signal (from the host) and the ready signal (from NVDLA) are both asserted in the same clock cycle. Each request to CSB has a fixed request size of 32 bits of data, and has a fixed 16bit address size. CSB does not support any form of burst requests; each packet sent down the request channel is independent from any other packet.

Data field Bits Direction Description
csb2nvdla_valid 1 Input Indicates that a request is valid
csb2nvlda_ready 1 Output Indicates that the receiver is ready to take a request
csb2nvlda_addr 16 Input Address.Aligned to word boundary
csb2nvdla_wdat 32 Input Write data
csb2nvdla_write 1 Input Write flag.
1'b0:Request is a read request.
1'b1:Request is a write request
csb2nvlda_nposted 1 Input Non-posted write transaction indicator.
1'b0: Request is a posted write request.
1'b1: Indicates a non-posted write request.
Posted write transactions are writes where the requester does not expect to and will not receive a write completion from receiver on write ack channel. The requester will not know if the write encounters an error.
Non-posted write transactions are writes where the requester expects to receive a write completion or write error on write ack channel from receiver.

4.2.3. Read data channel

The read data response channel is described in the below table. NVDLA returns read-response data to the host in strict request order; that is to say, each request packet (above) for which “write” is set to 0 will have exactly one response, and that response cannot jump forward or backwards relative to other reads.

The read data channel follows a valid-only protocol; as such, the host cannot apply back-pressure to the NVDLA on this interface.

Data field Bits Direction Description
nvdla2csb_valid 1 Output Indicates that read data is valid
nvdla2csb_data 32 Output Data corresponding to a read request , or zero in the event of an error

4.2.4. Write response channel

The signals associated with the write response channel are described in the below table. NVDLA will return write completion to the host in request order for every non-posted write.

The write completion channel also follows a valid-only protocol, and as such, the host cannot back-pressure NVDLA on this interface.

Data field Bits Direction Description
nvdla2csb_wr_complete 1 Output Indicates that a CSB write has complete

4.2.5. Inference timing

Following picture shows the timing of CSB interface.



The firset clock is ‘posted’ write mode, when csb2nvdla_valid and csb2nvdla_ready are both high, read data and addr, and write. The second is non-posted write mode, when nposted is high, read data and addr, and set ready to low. After write complete, return a write complete signal(nvdla2csb_wr_complete is high), and then return csb2nvdla_ready to high. The third is read mode, as shown in the figure, when ready is low, no data is read. When ready is high, read the read address at this time, and return a read data valid signal(nvdla2csb_valid) after reading the data. The fourth and third are basically the same.


4.4. MCIF

4.5. PDP

4.6. CDP

4.7. GLB

5. Partition_c

6. Partition_m

7. Partition_a

8. Partition_p
